オススメ研修ビジネス・工業英語研修 異文化理解研修 CSRコンサルティング その他のメニュー

地元の高校でお話「The World and I (世界と私)」

話のタイトルは「The World and I (世界と私)」です。




My name is Jocinter. I live in Nairobi, Kenya. I’m a single mother of 5 children and one grand son. I’m a care worker.
I’m very glad to give my message to Japanese high school students.
Now there are many terrorist attacks in the world. We have also many terrorist attacks in Kenya. One of the biggest terrorist attacks in the resent years was attacking a big shopping center in Nairobi in 2013.  About 70 people including foreigners were killed by the terrorist group.
There is a huge gap between the rich and the poor, and there are many jobless young people in Kenya. Some jobless young boys join a terrorist group, because the terrorist group pays good money to them. Terrorist attacks and military attacks kill people and generate hatred. Nothing grows from hatred. We need to love friends and neighbors to attain peace. And we need to understand each other. Peace is very important for everybody in the world. We cannot walk outside freely without peace. I think that Japanese high school student should talk and discuss about peace.
What is happening in my country and in the world?
Please try to know about Kenya and the world.
Please talk and discuss about peace and the global issues with you friends and family.
Thank you.